Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mnight, Bollywood Dance

Yes, I was dancing with this song.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


not much i talked to her
since i was mature enough (10 years old?)
every year twice
every time just usual hi and bye plus few conversation that i tried
less than 100 times i talked to her

but there is this thing call bonding, love, undescribable..

i feel sad
i'm stressed
few drops on the bus to uni
why so soon
i dunno how to speak teo chew, i'm sorry.
if not i will accompany you watch tv everyday
thanks for forcing me to eat rice every time you see me sitting on dinning table

ah mah, RIP..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time to use final resort

I shall draw a Band Logo on my ceiling, just above my head, so every morning i wake up and see that, It could remind me discipline is important. Wake up! you've lots of thing to be settled today!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Tuna can

A Chemistrist, Physicist an d Mathematician were discussing how to open a tuna can.

Chemistrist: I will break the coconuts and mix the coconut milk with acids, then use the mixture to melt tuna can.

Physicist: No! you will spoil the food! well, by Newton's second law, I put two coconuts at opposite sides of can, same distance apart. Then apply same force. The impulse will help us open the can!

mathematician: Come on, what's the problem? Suppose we have a tuna can. Let can opener be given.....